Yes, we have submitted to our first film festival. It’s called the Sundance Film Festival, Perhaps you’ve have heard of it? Today was our (and your) last chance to submit our film to Sundance. But seriously; it’s probubly the most famous film festival in the world and one of the hardest ones to get into. So we have to keep reminding ourselves and reminding our Executive Producer, that even if NOT FOR NOTHING doesn’t get chosen by them, it doesn’t mean we fucked up or did anything wrong. It just means Sundance fucked up. Just kidding. Sundance doesn’t fuck up. Sundance is perfect. We love Sundance. Just saying, if for some strange reason we don’t get accepted into Sundance, (the most prestigious film festival in North America.) it doesn’t mean our movie is bad. No sir. It just means that it’s not right for Sundance. Our movie can experience more success than a movie that played at Sundance. Think of Sundance as like the Harvard University of indie films. Just cause your movie dosen’t attend Harvard doesn’t mean it can’t be more successful than a movie that did. The fate of the movie relys on the movie itself, not the festival it attends. That being said, we hope we get in!


The final stretch …


how many mike’s do we rip on the daily?…